Welcome to AUCCCO!The Association for University and College Counseling Center Outreach (AUCCCO), is a national organization of counseling center professionals who are passionate about outreach. We are akin to the counseling center associations for Directors, Training Directors and Clinical Directors. We officially announced the establishment of our organization on June 5, 2009 at the University of Michigan during the closing ceremonies of our 2nd National Outreach Conference for Counseling Centers. Mission StatementThe mission of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Outreach (AUCCCO) is to assist professionals involved in the leadership of outreach, consultation, and campus community interventions. AUCCCO provides opportunities for networking, professional identity development, idea exchange and creating standards for quality outreach services. AUCCCO promotes a broad understanding of outreach, prevention and education services based on the assumption that outreach must extend the expertise of counseling centers to the larger campus community. AUCCCO recognizes that, as the campus climate has a profound influence on students’ lives, outreach services must be informed by perspectives that address the intersection of multiple social identities, promote social justice, and celebrate diversity in all its forms. Call for Proposal!Deadline extended to February 9thIf you haven’t done so already, please consider submitting a workshop proposal for this year’s 18th annual AUCCCO Outreach Conference scheduled for San Antonio, TX June 11-13th. This year’s theme is Community as a Catalyst for Systemic Change. Submit your proposal by clicking on the link below
2022 - 2023 Annual SurveyThe Research and Assessment Team has completed the 2022-2023 Annual Survey, please find the results below:
Review of the 2024 Conference!We had our 2024 conference at the crossroads of the United States of America: Indianapolis, Indiana on Wednesday, June 5th to Friday, June 7th. The 17th Annual Conference theme is Outreach at the Crossroads. Cultural, societal, and political trends as well as student needs can often pull us in different directions. Not knowing which way to turn is challenging. So many paths may feel uncertain and yet our shared values provide motivation and direction. Together, we are stronger.
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